Proof of concept (POC) is a method that enables a project management team or other professionals to determine, demonstrate, and validate the feasibility or viability of an idea, product, concept, solution, or hypothesis. It is a crucial and essential step taken by researchers and businesses to evaluate the practicality and feasibility of translating a vision or theory into a tangible, practical application.  

Why use the Proof-of-Concept (POC) methodology?

In various fields, such as business, technology, science, and engineering, executing a proof of concept serves several purposes:

  1. Feasibility testing: It assesses whether a concept or idea can be implemented practically and if it will function as intended.
  2. Risk reduction: Conducting a proof of concept helps identify potential risks, challenges, or limitations associated with the idea early in the development process.
  3. Validation: It provides evidence that the concept or technology is achievable and has the potential to solve the intended problem or meet the desired objectives.
  4. Attracting investment or funding: A successful proof of concept can make a project or idea more attractive to investors or stakeholders by showcasing its potential value and feasibility.
  5. Decision-making: It assists in making informed decisions about whether to proceed with further development, investment, or implementation of the concept.

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How do you apply POC in project management or product development?

The process of executing a proof of concept (POC) involves several steps to validate the feasibility or viability of a concept, idea, or hypothesis. While the specifics can vary depending on the context (business, technology, science, etc.), the general steps for conducting a proof of concept typically include:

Defining objectives

Clearly define the goals and objectives of the tested concept. Understand what aspects of the idea need validation and what success criteria will be used to determine the POC’s success.

Hypothesis formulation

Develop a hypothesis or set of assumptions based on the concept. This involves outlining expectations and predictions about how the idea will perform or function under certain conditions.

Planning and design

Create a plan outlining the methodology, resources required, and the scope of the proof of concept. Determine the resources, time, and personnel necessary to conduct the test effectively.

Prototype or test implementation

Build a prototype, conduct experiments, or implement a test environment to demonstrate the concept. This step involves creating a smaller-scale version or model that represents the core features or functionalities of the idea.

Data collection and analysis

Gather data and metrics during the execution of the proof of concept. This could involve measurements, user feedback, performance metrics, or other relevant data that helps evaluate the concept’s success against the defined objectives.

Evaluation and interpretation

Analyze the collected data to assess the results against the initial hypothesis and success criteria. Determine whether the proof of concept demonstrated the expected outcomes and whether the idea is viable.

Documentation and reporting

Document the findings, including successes, challenges faced, limitations discovered, and critical insights obtained during the proof of concept. Prepare a report or presentation summarizing the POC’s outcomes.


Based on the results, stakeholders can decide whether to proceed with further development, investment, or refinement or potentially abandon the concept if the proof of concept does not meet the desired criteria.

Based on the findings, it’s crucial to maintain flexibility and openness to iterate or pivot throughout this process. A proof of concept is often an iterative process, and lessons learned from one POC can inform the next steps or modifications to the concept being tested. Successful proof of concept testing and strategies can provide valuable insights and validation crucial for making informed decisions about moving forward with a concept or idea.

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Proof of concept for project managers and other professionals

Various professionals in multiple industries use proof of concept techniques or methodologies. You can expect to find these in use throughout any of the following spaces:

  • Technology (including startups): In tech or startup spaces, POC is applied to rapidly determine the feasibility of an idea, product, or solution. This helps avoid wasted manpower, resources, and expenditures.
  • Sales & marketing: POC can help sales and marketing teams determine pre-sales activities or the potential profitability or demand for a product, solution, or service. 
  • Business development: In this particular discipline, POC helps determine two major considerations—mitigating risk (losses) and assisting in decision-making processes before making a financial commitment. 
  • IT: The main objective of POC in this space is to determine whether a concept or idea can be realized.
  • Software development and testing: Generating evidence proving or disproving the feasibility of a software solution.
  • Healthcare (including pharma): This specialized application of POC is conducted outside the laboratory testing environment and is implemented through bedside testing, remote testing, rapid diagnostic testing, and bedside or patient testing.
  • Manufacturing: In this space, POC allows enterprises to test an idea before committing production-level resources. 
  • Product development: As with other applications of POC, this one also tests, validates, and measures feedback on a feature, product, or solution before committing resources to complete development.

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Step-by-step guide to POC in projects

Before commencing a POC project analysis, creating a blueprint or template for a proof of concept (POC) helps structure and organize the process effectively. 

Here’s an outline of elements that typically belong in a POC blueprint template:

Title and overview

Title: Clearly define the name or title of the POC.

Overview: Provide a summary outlining the purpose, objectives, and expected outcomes of the POC.

Background and context

Problem statement: Describe the specific problem or challenge the POC aims to address.

Context: Explain the background information or industry context (software, manufacturing, startup, etc) relevant to the problem.

Objectives and success criteria

Objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives the POC aims to achieve.

Success criteria: Identify the key metrics or criteria that will determine the success or failure of the POC.

Scope and deliverables

Scope: Define the boundaries and limitations within which the POC will operate.

Deliverables: List the expected outcomes, reports, or tangible results that will be produced at the end of the POC.

Methodology and approach

Methodology: Explain the approach, methodologies, tools, and technologies utilized during the POC project.

Implementation plan: Provide a step-by-step plan detailing how the POC will be executed, including timelines, resources, and task distribution.

Data and resources

Data requirements: Specify the data sources, datasets, or information needed for the POC.

Resource needs: Identify the resources required, such as hardware, software, personnel, and external support.

Risk assessment and mitigation

Risk analysis: Identify potential risks, challenges, or obstacles affecting the POC.

Mitigation strategies: Outline plans to address or mitigate identified risks.

Execution and monitoring

Execution plan: Detail the steps for implementing the POC and monitoring progress.

Monitoring and evaluation: Explain how progress will be tracked, data collected, and the process of continuous monitoring during the POC.

Results and analysis

Results summary: Present the findings and outcomes obtained during the execution of the POC.

Analysis: Analyze the collected data, compare it against success criteria, and draw conclusions based on the results.

Recommendations and next steps

Recommendations: Provide insights, suggestions, or recommendations based on the POC’s outcomes.

Next steps: Outline the suggested actions based on the POC results—whether to proceed, modify, or discard the concept.

Documentation and reporting

Documentation plan: Detail how information, processes, and findings will be documented throughout the POC.

Reporting: Explain how the final report or presentation will be structured and to whom it will be presented.

Customize this blueprint template according to your Proof of Concept’s specific requirements and nature to ensure a thorough, successful, and organized approach to its execution.

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Proof of concept software solutions

Multiple great solutions can help any business or enterprise manage, analyze, create, and render accurate, invaluable proof-of-concept strategies, including the following:

Jira is a top-rated and effective agile software solution for the issue and concept-tracking tool for teams. It was introduced in 2002 and is used globally by many enterprises. Jira readily integrates with thousands of other apps. Jira’s core function tracks software bugs, fixes, tasks, coding, testing, and release. Its features include push notifications, device availability, update tracking, team comments and developments, and more. Software development teams, companies, and other enterprises favor Jira.

Asana is a very popular mobile project management and light CRM tool. It is web and mobile-enabled project management software that is easy to use and designed to help teams quickly and easily organize, communicate, track, and manage all their projects. Asana’s interface allows team members to view a “board” of work and project progress. Asana is free to teams of 10 members or less and then paid for larger teams. 147,000 enterprises and millions of users use Asana for project management (including POC). Asana can be an excellent tool for presenting final data analysis and other developments.

Like Asana, Monday is a popular, user-friendly, versatile PM/POC software option with great features enabling teams to plan, track, and execute all their projects, including POC tasks. Some of the unique features of Monday include the ability to create custom fields, rule-based automation, easier setup and usage compared to Jira, 200 premade project templates, a simple, streamlined interface, and a free plan for solo users or duos. Over 186,000 enterprises use Monday for POC and PM tasks, and users use it in over 200 industries.

Key POC takeaways

Key takeaways from a proof of concept (POC) strategy provide valuable insights and learnings that influence future decisions and actions. Here are some essential takeaways:

  • Feasibility assessment: Determine whether the proposed idea, technology, or approach is feasible based on the POC results. Understand the strengths and limitations observed during the testing phase.
  • Validation of concept: Assess if the POC validates the initial hypothesis or idea. Determine if it meets the defined objectives and is viable for further development or implementation.
  • Risk identification: Identify risks, challenges, or obstacles encountered during the POC. Understand potential roadblocks hindering the concept’s success when moving towards a larger-scale implementation.
  • Performance metrics: Evaluate the concept’s performance against predefined success criteria and key performance indicators (KPIs). Measure the quantitative and qualitative outcomes obtained during the POC.
  • Cost and resource analysis: Analyze the costs, resources, and labor required to implement the concept at scale. Consider scalability, maintenance, and sustainability aspects based on the POC findings.
  • Lessons learned: Document lessons learned from the POC process. Understand what worked well, what didn’t, and why. This helps in refining and optimizing strategies for future projects or iterations.
  • Decision-making insights: Provide valuable insights and data-driven information to stakeholders, assisting them in making informed decisions regarding the project’s future direction.
  • Roadmap refinement: Use the insights gained to refine the project roadmap or development plan. Modify strategies, timelines, or objectives based on the POC outcomes to optimize future implementation.
  • Communication and collaboration: Enhance communication among team members, stakeholders, and relevant parties based on the knowledge and findings acquired during the POC.
  • Innovation and iteration: Encourage innovation by using POC takeaways to iterate, improve, or pivot the initial concept. Embrace continuous improvement based on feedback and data-driven insights.
  • Go/no-go decision: Ultimately, the POC takeaways should clarify whether to proceed with the concept, modify it, or discontinue it. This decision should be based on a comprehensive analysis of the POC findings.

By focusing on these key takeaways, organizations can maximize the value derived from conducting a proof of concept, guiding the team and enterprise toward informed decision-making and successful project implementations.