What is GRC?

Organizations in particular sectors such as healthcare, finance, or government are subject to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) measures, due to the highly sensitive nature of the data these sectors work with. GRC encompasses a company’s strategy, processes, and documentation to ensure it complies with governmental regulations and industry standards. In remaining compliant, a company protects itself from cybersecurity threats and data breaches that could result in fines and lawsuits for the company.

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What are the areas of GRC?

Areas where GRC tools can help include security, document management, and operational management.


GRC tools help manage an organization’s security by evaluating the network for IT risks, running tests, and scanning for potential vulnerabilities.

Document management

GRC tools assist with document organization and facilitate easy resource access when generating reports or conducting audits. Third-party integration with GRC products makes it easy to locate and access important documents in one place.

Operational management

GRC enables automated workflows to simplify staff processes, reduce the chance of human error, and maintain consistency when orchestrating repetitive, manual tasks.

Policy management

GRC tools help organizations manage compliance policies with audit management features that maintain data accuracy.

How can GRC software help?

GRC is difficult to orchestrate without the help of GRC software. Such tools help businesses remain compliant while also minimizing the administrative burden compliance can often create. Specifically, GRC software offers the following benefits:
  • Enhance productivity through automation
  • Boost data protection through audits
  • Provide organizational structure for developing and enforcing policies
  • Manage and enforce policy procedures
  • Store and organize previous audits
  • Notify relevant stakeholders of a missed deadline or security issue
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